All of our boats are Coast Guard certified & captained by licensed & experienced professionals
At Sail Acadia we maintain and operate our locally built wooden boats with a great respect for Maine’s maritime heritage.

Alice E.
The Friendship Sloop Alice E was built in 1899 and is the oldest Friendship Sloop still sailing today. Her builder and exact location are a mystery but we know that she was built somewhere near Friendship, Maine. U.S. Coast Guard documentation reveals that Alice E. was first used as a working lobster sloop by Herbert Teel. Then in the 1930s she was purchased by a doctor, for recreational use, who renamed her “Depression.” In 1984 she was rebuilt with local cedar and oak here in East Boothbay, Maine by David Nutt. After purchasing her, we rechristened her the “Alice E,” restoring her original name. She sails out of Southwest Harbor and is 42’ overall.
The Friendship sloop Linda was built in 1968 by Roger Morse, grandson of the famous builder Wilbur Morse. The Morse shipyard was located in Friendship, and built many of the original sloops to be eventually known as the Friendship Sloop. She is constructed of mahoghany planks over oak frames and is 42’ overall.

Elizabeth T.
The Elizabeth T. was built in 1986 by local builder “Chummy” Rich, right here on Mount Desert Island. She is 33’ overall, built of cedar planking over oak frames and designed as a 21 passenger Lobster Excursion boat. She carries canvas in the aft deck for shelter from wind, rain and sun, making her comfortable in most summer weather.